We use DHL for shipping all packages, a trusted partner with a global reputation. Your shipments are protected through insured shipping to spare you worries. Should you still experience any transport damage or package loss, please inform us immediately. We will promptly provide you with a replacement.

Delivery of our products is available exclusively to Germany, countries within the European Union (mainland only), and the USA (mainland only). If you require delivery to other countries outside of these areas, please contact us in advance to discuss the options.


European Union





2 kg - Package
Shipment Tracking
Insurance up to €500

2 kg - Package
Shipment Tracking
Insurance up to €500

5 kg - Package
Shipment Tracking
Insurance up to €500

Digital Products
Digital products such as tuning software or our KM Flash will be provided to you either as a download link via email or are accessible through your user account in our tool.

On-Site Service:
If you're missing the appropriate flasher, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. We offer you the option to flash the purchased tuning directly into your vehicle at our location.

Please select "Pickup" as the shipping method when placing your order and contact us to schedule an appointment.

The following payment options are available:

  • PayPal
  • Credit card (via Stripe)
  • giropay (via Stripe)
  • Apple Pay (via Stripe)
  • Google Pay (via Stripe)
  • Klarna (via Stripe)
  • iDEAL (via Stripe)
  • Prepayment

Payment in cash on-site is unfortunately not possible. We kindly ask you to choose one of the payment options mentioned above.